How to apply for the Benito Juarez National Wellbeing Scholarship Program?

The Benito Juárez National Scholarship Program for Well-being helps families and children and young people to support themselves while they study.

The Benito Juárez National Scholarship Program in Mexico is the result of a very important effort by the government to promote education and also equal opportunities for different people.

It is only through this program that many students and their families were able to achieve financial relief that allowed them to continue with all their studies as well as aspire to a better and more promising future.

Through this program, the Mexican government reinforces its commitment to education and equality, and its constant development in order to move the country forward.

Know the General Requirements to request this help

  • At least one of your children or minors in your care must be enrolled in a public basic education school in the school modality located in a priority location;
  • If your children or minors in your care do not study in a priority location, then your family may be part of the program if the resources they have are insufficient to cover their basic needs. This estimate is made based on the application of the Single ID (questionnaire);
  • Your family should not receive another scholarship for the same purpose awarded by federal programs.

How can I join the program?

Through the National Coordination of Scholarships for Benito Juárez Welfare, priority locations are identified and the coordinators carry out operations in public basic education schools, in temporary Operational Headquarters or alternate headquarters that are located there to gather the information they seek to know about. all families so that they can incorporate them into the program.

Through the questionnaire known as Single ID, the mother, father or any other representative of the family and the minor can answer some questions about the place where they live and the socioeconomic situation in which they find themselves, in addition to providing all the educational data of the minors who make up their family.

To find out if your children or minors in your care study in a school that is located in a priority location, you must enter the School Finder through the official website, by clicking on this link.

If the result is PRIORITY, then you will have to wait for the call for the next incorporation operation that will be issued through your school.

If the result is susceptible to attention, then you can fill out an Online Incorporation Request Form and then answer the Single Form so that your family's socioeconomic data can be collected.

Remember that the application of the Single Card does not guarantee that your family will receive the scholarship, since its incorporation always depends on confirming that they meet the requirements established in the current Operating Rules, the assigned budget and the spaces available in the registry of beneficiaries.

Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit of the Mexican government known as Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities, which offers more systematic and constant financial support to people with disabilities of different age groups throughout the country.

Check out the main benefits:

  • Greater quality of life for disabled people.

Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago