What is Support for Children in Maternal Orphanhood?

The Support Program for Children in Maternal Orphanhood offers help to young people who lost their mothers and are in a vulnerable situation.

What is Support for the Well-being of Children, Adolescents and Young People in Maternal Orphanhood? We explain everything you need to know

This program was instituted by the federal government of Mexico as part of the Support for girls and boys, children of working mothers and offers better living conditions to children, adolescents and young people who are in a vulnerable situation due to the death of their mothers.

The program offers bimonthly financial support to these orphaned children from 0 to 23 years of age. The values of financial support vary depending on age, as we will clarify later in this text.

Important dates for the program:

  • February 28, 2019: In the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the agreement was published through which the Welfare Secretariat began the Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys children of Working Mothers;
  • June 15, 2020: Registration began to incorporate the inhabitants of nine indigenous areas with a high poverty rate into the program.

The amounts granted vary between $720 Mexican pesos and $2,400 Mexican pesos in bimonthly payments.

Thanks to these characteristics, this program has become one of the most necessary for the social development not only of people in situations of social vulnerability, but also of all of Mexico as a country, since, the fewer people are in a situation of extreme poverty, the more the country can advance and evolve. For this reason, everyone must know and apply for the benefit if they meet the requirements.

Below, we present other details about the program and clarify who its beneficiaries are, in addition to other characteristics and information.

Do you want to know about another social program in Mexico? Click below and learn about the Program for the Well-being of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers.

Characteristics of the beneficiaries of the Support for the Well-being of Girls and Boys, Adolescents and Young People in Maternal Orphanhood

As we clarified previously, this program includes young motherless children, divided into two different groups:

  • Girls and boys, adolescents and young people, from 0 to 23 years of age, in a vulnerable situation due to the permanent absence of the mother, caused by her death (maternal orphanhood);
  • Girls, boys, adolescents and young people who were affiliated with the Life Insurance Program for Heads of Household, valid until fiscal year 2020.

Financial support works as follows:

  • Newborn up to 5 years of age: They receive $720 pesos bimonthly.
  • Children from 6 to 12 years: they receive $1,200 pesos bimonthly;
  • Adolescents from 13 to 15 years old: they receive $1,690 pesos bimonthly;
  • Adolescents from 16 to 18 years old: They receive $2,180 pesos bimonthly;
  • Young people from 19 to 23 years old: They receive $2,400 pesos bimonthly.

What documents are the most important to have in your hands?

  • Official identification, original and copy;
  • Certified copy of the mother's death certificate or presumption of death certificate no older than three months;
  • Current birth certificate for each of the children up to 23 years of age;
  • Current CURP of the deceased mother, of the responsible adult, as well as of each of the daughters and sons in maternal orphanhood up to 23 years of age;
  • Responsive letter in free form, signed, committing the responsible person to manage and make good use of all the economic resources that will be delivered to the beneficiaries of the program.

Do you want to know about another social program in Mexico? Click below and learn about the Benito Juárez National Scholarship Program for Wellbeing.

How and where do I sign up for Support for the Well-being of Children, Adolescents and Young People in Maternal Orphanhood?

If you think you meet the main requirements for this program, we want to help you enroll.

To better guide you, we leave you a guide below that will explain all the main requirements and the fundamental details about the documents you must present and the way you must proceed to register.

Tap the button below to see more information.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago