What is the Edutin Academy Stylist course?

Take the opportunity to take this free online course and start working as a stylist. Learn more now!

How can I access the Edutin Academy Stylist course? We explain everything you need to know

Edutin Academy offers places for the free online stylist course. If this is your dream, take advantage while it's available. The universe of fashion and beauty awaits you.

According to what the official Edutin Academy site clarifies, the stylist course was designed and structured with educational resources that are shared on YouTube itself through the YouTube Standard License.

This ensures that the course is free and of good quality so that students can learn the main concepts of the aesthetic foundations to highlight the beauty of both women and men through cosmetological and hygienic processes for hair care, hands and feet of people.

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What do I learn in the Edutin Academy Stylist course?

The objective of this course is to prepare students to:

  • Know and understand the professional foundations of the stylist and all its implications to promote beauty and aesthetics in people;
  • Be able to understand the techniques associated with hair styling, that is, everything that has to do with braids, curlers, waves, hairstyles and taping;
  • Understand all the processes associated with hair for both men, women and children;
  • Know the most important things about chemicals that can be used to promote beauty and aesthetics in people in general;
  • Also know the basic manicure and pedicure techniques.
Edutin Academy
Edutin Academy logo

Who is this Edutin Academy Stylists course for?

The course is aimed at all hairdressers, professional makeup artists and anyone who is interested in acquiring more knowledge on the subject of hairdressing, styling and color care services to highlight beauty and what is most attractive in each person.

Is the market for stylists promising?

There are many professionals working in this area, but the market is still quite promising, since people are always interested in looking better and better.

This makes the stylist's work highly valued and very promising for well-trained professionals.

In addition, we highlight that the profits will depend on the time you invest working, which means that it may vary, but everything will depend on your own effort.

Stylist Course (Reproduction: Internet)

Can I take this course for free?

You may not believe it, but the course is completely free, as well as all the courses that are available on the Edutin Academy platform.

The course includes the option for the student to receive a certificate of studies so that they can demonstrate their learning and verify that they have completed it. To obtain the certificate, it is necessary to pay a fee that will be charged in your local currency.

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What do Edutin Academy courses include?

All Edutin Academy courses are offered virtually and have international recognition. They include videos, readings, activities, evaluations and various practical projects that are based on different real-life situations so that students can practice their knowledge.

How can I obtain my studies certificate?

The course is free, but if you are interested in receiving the certificate at the end, you must register and select the “study with certificate” option. For this, it will be necessary to pay an amount charged in the currency of your country.

You will also need to pass the course with a minimum grade that can be awarded your certification.

How and where can I register?

If you are interested in this opportunity, then we are going to explain how to register. Click below to see our latest article that will direct you to your registration.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago