How to Request Support for Single Mothers in Mexico?

The Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers offers help for single-parent families.

This support program offers direct financial support to families of single mothers and fathers who are workers and need to take care of the well-being of their children while working. With this, we also seek to promote the well-being of these children, adolescents and young people.

We know that, as long as mothers and fathers can look for opportunities to get a job or even keep the job they have without neglecting their children, the quality of life of these families will be much higher.

For this reason, the Ministry of Welfare of Mexico is responsible for taking care of this program and those families. It is important to clarify that:

  • The support will be delivered directly to the mother, father or guardian in charge of the beneficiary, according to budget availability;
  • Support will be provided to a maximum of 3 girls or boys per household in the same period, unless they are multiple births;
  • In the event that the beneficiary children or young people reach the age limit during the current two-month period, the full subsidy will be granted and it will be the last.

Know the main requirement to request this help

  • That the mother, father or guardian is working, looking for employment or studying and does not have child care and attention services through public social security institutions or other means.

How can I join the program?

Those interested must join the Support program for the Well-being of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers. To do this, simply go to the Welfare Secretariat offices closest to your home and present the necessary documentation.

What are the documents?

  • Documents of the mother, father or guardian: free writing under oath of telling the truth, where it clarifies whether you work, are looking for work or are studying; letters of non-affiliation to the Mexican Social Security Institute and the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers; Current official identification of the mother, single father or guardian in original and copy; CURP, updated proof of address.
  • Documents of the girl or boy who will be a beneficiary of the program: birth certificate of each boy or girl that you request to register in original and copy; Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) of each boy or girl in original and copy.
  • Documents of the girl or boy with disabilities who will be a beneficiary of the program: birth certificate of each boy or girl that you request to register in original and copy; Unique Population Registry Code (CURP) of each girl or boy in original and copy; When the disability is not visible to the support staff of the Ministry of Welfare, an original medical certificate issued by a Public Institution in the Health Sector or by a doctor with a professional license and who is a specialist in the corresponding type of disability will be required. .

Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit of the Mexican government known as Pension for the Well-being of People with Permanent Disabilities, which offers more systematic and constant financial support to people with disabilities of different age groups throughout the country.

Check out the main benefits:

  • Greater quality of life for disabled people.

Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago