How to Apply for the Extraordinary Unemployment Subsidy?

The Extraordinary Unemployment Subsidy can help you if you have lost your job. Discover everything now.

So that you can request the Extraordinary Unemployment Subsidy In Spain, all interested parties should know that they will go through an application process that will require attention to the documentation they must present and also proof of unemployment.

The responsibility for evaluating each application is the responsibility of the corresponding authorities who are qualified to identify whether applicants meet all the requirements.

It is important to clarify that the subsidy is paid monthly and can be extended in the event that the beneficiary's situation does not improve and he or she does not have a job and continues to meet all the requirements.

Know the General Requirements to request this help

General requirements

  • Lack the right to unemployment protection at the contributory or assistance level;
  • Not having reached the age that allows you to access the retirement pension;
  • Lack of income, of any nature;
  • Having involuntarily ceased from the last job performed;
  • Not having previously received the accompanying financial aid established in the Employment Activation Program (PAE);
  • On the date of your application, you must not be working part-time as an employee or have not had your employment contract suspended;
  • Not having previously been a beneficiary of the extraordinary unemployment benefit.

Specific requirements

  • Have remained registered as a job seeker for at least 360 days in the 18 months prior to the date of requesting the extraordinary subsidy;
  • Be registered as a job seeker as of May 1, 2018;
  • Prove that during the month prior to the date of the application you have carried out active job search actions;
  • Having involuntarily ceased employment as an employee prior to exhaustion of the last recognized right.

Necessary documentation

  • Official application model that includes the activity agreement;
  • Identification of the applicant and the sons or daughters who live together or are dependent on him or her and who appear in the application;
  • Spaniards: National Identity Document (DNI) or passport.
  • Any bank document that contains the account number of which you are the OWNER and where you wish to receive the benefit.

How do I request my benefit?

To request your Extraordinary Unemployment Subsidy, it is very important to make sure that you are meeting all the requirements and have the necessary documents.

Remember that you will have to verify the veracity of your information; Therefore, when registering, have your ID and the other documents already mentioned above on hand.

The application can be submitted through:

  • At the benefits office (after making an appointment at the SEPE electronic headquarters, clicking on this link;
  • By telephone number: 91 926 79 70 (Previous Appointments) – The service is 24 hours a day, every day of the week;
  • Through any public record office;
  • By administrative mail.

Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit of the government of Spain known as Minimum Vital Income, This is a type of benefit intended for any person who is at risk of poverty or social exclusion in Spain.

Check out the main benefits:

  • The benefit remains available as long as the described conditions last.
  • The values adjust to the different realities of the coexistence unit.
  • Payment is monthly by bank transfer.

Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago