How to request the Minimum Vital Income?

The Minimum Living Income is available to those who are in vulnerable situations and need financial help.

He Minimum Living Income It was created by the government of Spain and functions as a protection network that is aimed at facilitating the transition from a situation of exclusion to the participation of vulnerable people in society.

For this reason, in addition to offering financial aid, it also contains, in its design, actions to encourage inclusion and employment, which are articulated through different cooperation formulas between different administrations.

According to a statistic published by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) of Spain in the month of February 2023, the Minimum Living Income It already benefits at least 576,097 homes, in which 1,633,474 people are living.

Know now the requirements to be part and request yours.

Main requirements to access this benefit

The following requirements must be met both at the time of submitting the application and its reviews, and also maintained when the resolution is issued and during the time of receipt of the benefit.

  • Have residence in Spain continuously and uninterruptedly for at least the year prior to submitting the application. The period of one year is not required for:
    • Minors incorporated into the cohabitation unit by birth, adoption, family reunification of sons and daughters, custody for the purposes of adoption or permanent foster care;
    • People who are victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation;
    • Women victims of gender violence.
  • Being in a situation of economic vulnerability: to determine this, the economic capacity of the individual applicant or the cohabitation unit is taken into consideration, computing the resources of all members. This requirement is met when the monthly average of computable annual income and income from the previous year is at least 10 euros less than the monthly amount guaranteed by the corresponding minimum vital income according to the modality and number of members of the cohabitation unit.
  • When it comes to cohabitation units, they are not considered to be in a situation of economic vulnerability as long as they are owners of some assets that do not include their habitual residence.

About Payment

The payment of the benefit occurs monthly and is always made by bank transfer to the account of the holder of the benefit. The right to receive the minimum vital income benefit begins on the first day of the month following the date of submission of the application.

We remember that the benefit of the Minimum Living Income is non-transferable and cannot be offered as a guarantee of obligations nor be subject to total or partial transfer or compensation or discount.

How do I request my benefit?

The application is made by requesting an in-person appointment at Social Security, but it is also possible to do so online, by accessing the Social Security Electronic Headquarters, through this link.

What does it take to do?

  • The interested party must complete and attach the application form found on the page mentioned above in the Attached Documentation section;
  • It is important to sign the application by the applicant and by all members of the coexistence unit followed by the DNI/NIE number;
  • To do this, you can write handwritten on a piece of paper: “Please use this writing that accompanies my application dated _______ as proof of my willingness to request the minimum vital income.”
  • Once the procedure is completed, you will receive an “acknowledgment of receipt” in PDF format with the assigned electronic registration number;
  • Finally, the INSS will send the resolution of the application to the interested party's address within a maximum period of six months.

Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit known as Young Rental Bonus 250 euros. Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago