How to request the 250 Euro Young Rental Bonus?

The Young Rental Bonus 250 euros is a benefit from the Spanish government for young people who want to have personal independence.

He Young Rental Bonus 250 euros It was idealized by the Spanish government as part of the new State Housing Law and is available so that young people between 18 and 35 years of age with low financial means can rent a home or a room and become independent.

This Law imposes some limits on the real estate sector and includes some measures to increase the supply of housing and make prices more affordable in order to support both young people and the most vulnerable groups in Spain.

It also offers incentives and new tools to autonomous communities so that the price of rentals can be reduced and improve access to those who need this type of service.

Main requirements to access this benefit

The benefit is available to all natural persons of legal age, Spanish citizens or citizens of other European countries, living in Spain and who meet the following requirements:

  • Age: be between 18 and 35 years old at the time of applying;
  • Nationality: Have Spanish nationality or from another member country of the European Union or the European Economic Area or Switzerland. Non-EU foreigners must be in a regular stay or residence situation in Spain;
  • Property contract: The applicant must be the owner or co-owner of the rental contract for their home or the room they rent, even those who live in a shared apartment.
  • About income: It is mandatory to prove a source of monthly income, but the value cannot exceed three times the IPREM (Multiple Effects Public Income Indicator). That is, considering the indicator of 579 euros per month, the total annual income must not exceed the amount of 23,725 euros per year or 1,979 euros per month in 12-month payments or 1,696 euros per month in 14-month payments;
  • The rented home or room must constitute the habitual and permanent residence of the tenant or assignee and also of all the other people who make up that cohabitation unit;
  • The value of the rental of the residence should not exceed 600 euros per month, except in some areas where it can be increased to 900 euros.

Documents to present in the application

  • Complete copy of the lease or transfer of use of the home, in force; or copy of the rental or use of the room contract, if applicable;
  • Certificate or single registration document indicating, as of the date of the application, the people who have their habitual and permanent residence in the home being leased or transferred; 
  • Receipts for payment of the rental income or transfer price paid after January 1, 2023 until the date on which the aid is requested; 
  • Other documents requested in the Autonomous Community where you are going to register.

How do I request my benefit?

To request this help, it is important to go to the Housing Councils and Departments in the different Autonomous Communities.

Once each community has its own rules for processing the application, we bring you the application link in each of them:

 Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit known as Minimum Living Income. Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago