How to apply for Life Insurance for Heads of Family?

Life Insurance for Heads of Household works as financial support for orphaned children and young people. Find out now how to order.

This program offers many advantages, such as long-term protection by being a source of income that the family continuously supports. This can be of fundamental importance in ensuring the economic stability of children as well as their ability to achieve all educational and professional goals.

In addition, it also guarantees peace of mind for heads of families, since knowing that their loved ones will be protected in the event of their absence allows them to face their daily responsibilities with less worry about the financial future of their children.

We emphasize that this financial aid is important because it promotes the well-being of families in vulnerable situations.

The body that takes care of this program is the Ministry of Welfare of Mexico and, therefore, in order for you to be part and join, it is essential to know well the main requirements and the documents required for registration.

Know the requirements to request this help

  • Fill out the Incorporation Request form;
  • Official identification of the Person Responsible for orphaned girls, boys and young people;
  • Certified death certificate of the head of the family, no older than three months;
  • Birth certificate of each of the orphaned girls, boys and young people;
  • Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), both for the person responsible and for each of the orphaned girls, boys and young people;
  • Proof of address no more than three months old;
  • The responsible person must sign a responsive letter in free format;
  • Current certificate of studies for each of the girls, boys and young people under 23 years of age.

How can I join the Life Insurance for Heads of Household program?

To register, you must go to the Wellness Care Modules closest to your residence with all the necessary documents and requirements.

There, you will be accompanied by the staff of the Welfare Secretariat to complete the application to join the program. 

Do you want to know about another social program in Mexico? Click below and learn about the Benito Juárez National Scholarship Program for Wellbeing.

What documents are necessary to register?

These are the documents that the person responsible for daughters and sons in maternal orphanhood or the person of legal age (up to 23 years of age) must present:

  • Official Identification (original and copy): valid voting credential, professional license, valid passport, current military service record, immigration form;
  • Certified copy of the mother's death certificate or the presumption of death certificate is also admitted as a document equivalent to the death certificate; This document must not be more than three months old on the date of delivery;
  • Current birth certificate of each of the sons or daughters up to 23 years of age, in maternal orphanhood: original and copy.
  • Current Unique Population Registry Code (CURP). This document must be from the deceased mother, the responsible person and each of the daughters and sons in maternal orphanhood up to 23 years of age.

 Are you interested in learning about another benefit?

We now present to you the benefit of the Mexican government known as Program for the Wellbeing of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers, which provides financial support for children who lost a parent.

Check out the main benefits:

  • The benefit helps reduce social differences.
  • It is available to everyone who meets the requirements.
  • It offers important financial support to families in vulnerable situations.
  • It can be requested at any time.

Click below to learn more.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago