What is Support for Single Mothers in Mexico?

The Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys, Children of Working Mothers reaches young people who have lost one of their parents.

What is the Program for the Well-being of Girls and Boys, children of Working Mothers? We explain everything you need to know

Created by the federal government, the program emerged in Mexico with the objective of providing bimonthly economic support to the sons and daughters of working mothers who are in a vulnerable situation due to the absence of one or both parents, with the purpose of contributing to the full exercise of their social rights.

Important dates for the program:

  • February 28, 2019: In the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), the agreement was published through which the Welfare Secretariat began the Program for the Welfare of Girls and Boys children of Working Mothers;
  • June 15, 2020: Registration began to incorporate the inhabitants of nine indigenous areas with a high poverty rate into the program.

The amount granted is $1,600 in bimonthly payments. Those mothers, fathers or guardians of minors with a disability, who are between 1 and 6 years of age, will have the right to receive $3,600 each month.

These conditions make this program one of the most important for the social development of all of Mexico, since the fewer people in extreme poverty, the more the country advances. Thus, it is important that everyone knows and can apply for this benefit.

Next, you will learn more details about the program and know who its beneficiaries are, in addition to other characteristics and information.

Apoyo a Madres Solteras México
Support for Single Mothers Mexico

Who are the beneficiaries of the program?

As we clarified previously, the beneficiaries of this program are children, adolescents and young people from 0 to 23 years of age who are in a vulnerable situation due to the absence of one or both parents.

Financial support works as follows:

  • Families with children from 0 to one day before turning 4 years of age: They receive the amount of $1,600 Mexican pesos every two months for each registered boy or girl.
  • Families with children with disabilities from 0 to one day before turning 6 years of age: They receive the amount of $3,600 Mexican pesos for each registered girl or boy with disabilities.

What documents are the most important to have in your hands?

  • CURP of the mother, father or guardian of the minors;
  • Birth certificate of the children;
  • Official identification (INE);
  • Proof of address, no older than six months;
  • Applicant's employment proof document;
  • If the minor(s) have a disability, it is necessary to verify the condition through a medical report issued by a health expert.

How and where do I enroll in the Program for the well-being of girls and boys, children of working mothers?

Knowing the main information about this benefit is very important for the public that can benefit the most from it. We know that it is not easy for families with lower financial conditions to keep their children studying while a single parent works.

For this reason, this help is very important not only for families but also for the growth of the country.

Thus, if you want to know how you can make your request, we will clarify all the steps and the instructions you must follow.

To guide you well, we immediately leave you a guide that will explain the main requirements, the most important details about the documents you must present and the way you must proceed to register.

Tap the button below to see more information.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago