How to Request Shein Discount Coupons

Discover how to redeem coupons and get special discounts in Shein stores through the application on your cell phone.

The Shein application offers you various coupons and discount points that can be used to complete your purchases. With them, you can buy much more and pay much less.

With your first purchase, you will win a coupon, but the most important thing is that you can participate in the Shein points scheme and you can save up to 70% when you redeem the points and coupons.

How can I get Shein coupons?

We tell you that it is very easy to get Shein coupons and save on your purchases. There are several ways to do it and we want to explain how.

Many people get coupons through some websites, such as, but it is important to be careful, as many of them may be outdated and will not work well.

In any case, if they work, you just have to choose them and apply them to your purchase to get discounts.

But we also want to talk about a way to get coupons through the Shein application itself.

It is possible to obtain exclusive coupons by registering your email with Shein and receiving various coupons and exclusive offers that will be available for a limited time in your inbox. In addition to that, you can get coupons through the application.

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How can I redeem my Shein coupons?

Too easy! When you open the application, you will see on the home screens that there are several promotions that are available through which you will receive the coupons.

If you are interested in checking out all the existing coupon possibilities, go to the offers tab where you will find a complete selection offering up to 75% off. So, the first item that appears on the deals page is coupons.

We highlight that many of the coupons offered by Shein remain available for a long time, most of the time, unlimited time. Meanwhile, the selection of coupons and offers is constantly renewed and changes from time to time. Be careful!

It is also possible that, in this same tab, you can find many other offers that will make you super excited to buy. Shein always promotes lightning deals, combos that come with two pieces for the price of one and even very cheap products with incredible and unmissable prices.

Therefore, this is the time to renew your entire wardrobe and have new and beautiful clothes to go to work or to a party with friends or your partner.

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What do I have to do to apply the coupons and complete the purchase?

After you have added all the products you want to buy to your cart, you must then complete the delivery address and select the payment method and shipping option that best suits you.

There, you will see the “apply coupon” option, where you will find all the coupons that you have obtained through Shein.

After that, with your coupon inserted, you'll need to select the points you want to use on your purchase so you can save even more.

Finally, click on the pay option and you will have your products as soon as possible.

How will I earn points on Shein?

Points are another option to save money through Shein. One of the most important ways to accumulate points is by making purchases. Each purchase made helps you generate a number of points that you can collect to redeem for the next purchase.

Another way to earn points is when you evaluate your purchases through reviews complete with photos and videos. The more well-crafted your review is, the more points you can get.

Another way to earn points is by logging into the Shein app every day and redeeming your daily points in the points tab.

Each point is equivalent to $0.01. That seems very little, but the more points you have, the more you can save on your purchases.

How to request a refund for Shein products with taxes?

A common thing is that you are charged taxes for international purchases, but it is possible to request a refund through the Shein application and receive your money in up to 24 hours. We will tell you how.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago