What is the Oportunidades Human Development Program?

The Oportunidades Human Development Program is prepared to offer better living conditions to vulnerable families.

What is the Human Development Program: Opportunities? We explain everything you need to know

This program is a creation of the Mexican government and has the objective of offering full support to families living in poverty so that they can improve their capabilities in the food, health and education segments.

For this, it offers amounts of food support of up to $315 Mexican pesos per month; educational scholarships from $165 to $1,055 Mexican pesos; school supplies from $220 Mexican pesos to $415 at the beginning of the year and free access to health care.

Main objectives

  • Reduce poverty by delivering monetary transfers to all families that are in vulnerable situations, according to established criteria;
  • Access to Education: guarantees that children and young people access school and can maintain good academic performance;
  • Health Care: supports access to health services, encouraging families to carry out periodic check-ups in addition to complying with the children's vaccination schedule and providing various types of medical treatments.

What financial support does the program provide?

  • Food support: $315 pesos monthly; complementary food support of $130 pesos per month. It also offers $115 pesos per month for each child from 0 to 9 years old, with up to 3 supports per family. Older adults receive support of $345 pesos per month for each older adult in the family.
  • Educational Scholarships: Primary: from $165 to $330; secondary: men receive from $480.00 to $535 and women receive from $510 to $620; Higher Secondary Education and labor CAM: men receive from $810 to $925; Women receive from $930 to $1,055.
  • School Supplies: Primary: $220 at the beginning of the year plus 110 for replacement; Secondary: $410 at the beginning of the year; Higher secondary education and labor CAM: $415 at the beginning of the year. Students of the Oportunidades Program in Primary and Secondary in Conafe schools receive a package of school supplies.
  • Health: A free guaranteed basic package is provided that contains food for children from 0 to 5 years old that guarantees care for child growth and development. Pregnant women while breastfeeding and children under 5 years of age also receive nutritional supplements.

Next, we present more details about the program and clarify who its beneficiaries are, in addition to other characteristics and information.

Do you want to know about another social program in Mexico? Click below and learn about the Benito Juárez National Scholarship Program for Wellbeing.

Who are the beneficiaries of the program?

This program is aimed at families in situations of marginalization and poverty who do not have the possibility of meeting their educational, health and food needs.

Therefore, it reaches all families that have children who have not yet turned 22 years of age and also women who are of reproductive age.

What should I do to register?

Interested parties must be careful to meet some requirements before registering:

  • Check that they have capital income calculated below the minimum welfare action line;
  • Have applied the survey so that the homes that require attention can be identified.

How and where do I enroll in the Human Development Program: Opportunities?

It is very important to know all the information regarding this benefit if you are part of the public that can benefit the most from it.

It is understood that it is not easy for families with less favorable financial conditions to maintain health and a good quality of life. For this reason, this help is very important not only for families but also for the growth of the country.

Thus, if you want to know how you can make your request, we will clarify all the steps and the instructions you must follow.

We leave a guide that will try to guide you on the main steps to follow and the main information you need to register.

Tap the button below to see more information.

Everaldo Santiago
Written by

Everaldo Santiago